COVID-19: Not dead, but in Trance?

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Hace 41 meses - Leído 165 veces

In December 2019, a fast widespread disease was discovered in Wuhan, China. Despite the efforts of the world to content the disease, it has been known that a highly number of people have been infected by the new Sars-Cov-2 virus which provokes a pneumonie. What the science knew untill now about the mechanism of dead was just a small part from a huge complex process , it was thought that the lungs were invaded by the virus causing a rapid worsening of respiratory function, leading to cardiorespiratory arrest and finally dead. But recently, some new findings have been discovered about this disease. Samples of brain, liver and lung from corpses in India have shown that cells still being alive, but in an extremely slow rate of function and reproduction. This anomaly has also been reported by a group of researchers from John's Hopkins hospital, showing the extremely slow deteroration of the bodies of a number of deceased monitored along the last three months. It is unknown if this event is a late consequence or if it is part of the disease. Scientists refuse the idea of a cell ??trance induced by a virus, while some others suggest this finding would means that the incinerated deads caused by COVID-19 were actually alive people.

COVID-19: Not dead, but in Trance?

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