Brandon Lee Fakes Photos discovered.

Ja ja ja, ¡fuiste engañado!


Hace 47 meses - Leído 248 veces

In recent months instagram has received many reports about fake accounts that expanded fraudulent photos named as original celebrity photos. There is a group of beginner graphic designers under research,who has exhibited photographs without official origins, or proven information, of American actors one of those affected is the actor Daniel's Day-Lewis, two of the accounts that used these methods to earn followers and money, are the accounts @brandon_bruce_lee and @Shannon.linda.wren dedicated to the actor Brandon Lee and his family. Instagram after analyzing the fake photos, with ELA analysis and metadata that could be changed, came to the conclusion that advanced Photoshop had been used in such photos. Following this process and with the help of several fans, who reported those accounts, with the reports relevant to the investigation, Instagram decided to close those accounts, both managed by the same person.

Brandon Lee Fakes Photos discovered.

Ja ja ja, ¡fuiste engañado!


Tranquilo que no fuiste el único, ya han caído 248 personas.

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