Second Season of Yuri!!! On Ice confirmed by Mitsurou Kubo on TV Asahi interview

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Earlier today at around 9:00 am in Japan, a live interview was hold along with Mitsurou Kubo and the tv presentators Ucchii and Toshi in the famous TV Asahi's special spring podcast. During the inrerview some new inedit picture were shown to the audiance like previews of the new official images of the three protagonists Katsuki Yuri, Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Plitsesky, as well brief ice skating "lessons". What's most important and shocking is the announcement made at the end of the interview...the so waited second season of Yuri on ice!!! And it's release day! Down below you can check out a part of the interview as well a brief trailer for the second season: Soon more news to come!

Second Season of Yuri!!! On Ice confirmed by Mitsurou Kubo on TV Asahi interview

Ja ja ja, ¡fuiste engañado!


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